About Us

We are a company designed to provide solutions to each of the needs or problems that the international patients and their families face when seeking care in foreign countries. We provide bilingual accompaniment and logistics, which begin with the planning of the trip, is sustained permanently throughout the stay in Cali, and ends when the medical care process has been completed, and the patient and relatives return to their country of origin. Our service, with 24/7 availability, provides safety and confidence for a successful trip. Our promise is that you will never feel alone.

Our History

After several years as part of health care teams for international patients, we found the need to integrate the different levels of care to provide a complete and comprehensive service to patients who chose Cali, as the ideal place to carry out their medical treatments.
At WeCare we understand the fear and difficulties of planning a trip for medical attention abroad, outside of the comfort and confidence of a familiar environment and, in most cases, in a different language. Coming to Colombia can generate different concerns that start from the planning of the trip, the arrival at the airport,

finding a safe transport and accommodation. Mobility between the hotel and scheduled appointments and communication with the language barrier. Going out for shopping, either to a mall or for basic needs as getting groceries can generate a lot of anxiety if you do not have the right accompaniment. That is why at WeCare we have organized our services in such a way that we can offer the ideal response for each of these situations, offering tranquility and confidence with a friendly and timely accompaniment, which starts from the planning of the trip, materializes in the reception of the patient and companions at the airport and is permanent throughout the medical attention process, with constant communication with the healthcare provider of your choice, integrating the services offered by said provider with those offered by us at WeCare.
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Care, advice and companion of the international patients and their families during their stay in Cali.

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